Finnish Loss Survey SVT Ltd
Finnish Loss Survey SVT Ltd provides expert services for damage inspections performed for insurance companies and the realisation of damaged vehicles.
Our mission is to serve the customers of insurance companies by helping them find the best possible loss survey and damage repair.
Our services cover the whole country and comprise loss surveys, technical claims settlements, salvaging of vehicles and realisation. Our service portfolio is developed to align with the IT environment of insurance companies.
We are an official cooperation partner of the Finnish Central Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs in the quality control of damage repair workshops by providing the workshops audits as well as consultation for quality inspections and the development of quality.
Finnish Loss Survey SVT Ltd’s customers are insurance and automobile sector companies throughout Finland. SVT’s office network, which covers the whole country, employs approximately 60 professionals in the field. In 2023, the company’s revenue was EUR 7,7 million.